makes hair nutrient supply to reduce

Psychological adjustment during pregnancy and the postpartum pay attention, pay attention to the rational nutrition and personal hygiene, can effectively reduce hair loss. Therefore, mothers should keep the mood should be the law of the daily diet, eat too greasy and spicy food, and pay attention to the health of postpartum hair maintenance week with a mild shampoo to wash your hair once dry naturally, within six months, do not perm. If severe postpartum alopecia, or hair loss has not stopped for about six months, you will need to ask the doctor for examination and treatment. . Pregnant women, the hormone secretion of the large increase its role plays a decisive impact on pregnancy and fetal development. In addition to estrogen, progesterone, and also produce a certain amount of oxytocin and prolactin. Their combined effects can be effectively adjusted to improve maternal variety of physiological changes that occur during pregnancy plays a catalytic role in the development of strong stage uterine tissue, and promote the development of the mammary gland, and so on. Combined effects of these hormones of pregnancy will also promote the growth of hair, so the number of hair during pregnancy can increase and shiny. However, with one day delivery in vivo many hormones will correspondingly large reduction would provide less support the role of natural hair, makes hair nutrient supply to reduce feedback, so hair loss phenomenon. Childbirth spirit of fear, mood swings and postpartum fatigue, also make hair loss worse. Postpartum hair loss is not an isolated phenomenon, a considerable part of the young women in hair loss after childbirth, just uneven. Postpartum hair loss is mainly due to postpartum body endocrine level suddenly decreased. Postpartum hair loss generally do not form a diffuse hair loss, hair loss site mostly in the head prior to 1/3. With the gradual recovery of the endocrine levels after childbirth, the hair loss will stop on their own, usually in about six months to recover. Therefore, postpartum hair loss is a normal physiological phenomenon, the woman is not the purpose excessive worry or fear.